Sunday Preschool during 9:00 Mass will be starting on Sunday, September 15! Children age 3 -5 are welcome to attend each week, no registration or fees required! We use the Seeds curriculum from Pflaum that is based on the Sunday readings but tailored to their level, along with lots of music, games, and craft activities! Join us in the Parish Meeting Room each week!
Nursery is available for any infants older than 6 months and toddlers during BOTH 9:00 and 11:00 Mass each Sunday in the Brides Room, all year long! Children can be dropped off at any point during Mass, so if your child starts out in church but gets a little restless, feel free to bring them to play and get the wiggles out for a few minutes!
HELP WANTED! If you are interested in serving in either of these ministries, we are always looking for more VIRTUS trained adult help! This is also a great opportunity for middle and high school students to get service hours. Contact Elaine Klincik at [email protected] for more information and to get the signupgenius.
For more information on the Seeds curriculum, including resources for families, click here: